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Stephen Charles Landscape and Contract Gardeners Provide the full range of Tree survices to Richmond and the surrounding area including:
We Offer :

Advise on Planning and Planting
Woodland Management.
Tree Work Specifications
Crown Cleaning
Crown Lifting
Crown Reduction
Crown Thinning
Branch Removal
Vista pruning
Formative Pruning
Structural Pruning
Fruit Tree Pruning
Espalier Pruning
Fan Training
Mop Top
Tree Felling
Tree Removal
Dead Tree Removal
Specialists in tree works in confined spaces.
Root Pruning
Tree Stabilization.
Planting and Species Selection
We Don’t Offer
Topping ( except for hedging)
In common with all reputable arborists we do not lop or top as these technique do not work. They increase the production of poorly attached endomorphic growths making the crown very dense and increasing the overall size of the crown. These practices always harm the tree and either kill the tree or make it so unsafe that felling is required.
There are exceptions for example conifers to be used for hedging.
However we are always happy to advise on alternative tree pruning methods

For Design & Landscaping Services please see our other web sites

For Private Clients http://stephencharleslandscapes.co.uk

For Commercial work http://stephencharleslandscapes.com


 Stephen Charles Landscape and Contract Gardeners,

Richmond (Head Office)

Telephone: +44 (0) 844 736 5888

Email: info@stephencharleslandscapes.co.uk 

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